Welcome to the Hive Mind, a place where you can access the vast knowledge of mentors and serial startup founders.
It has arrived from outer space. A being of infinite knowledge. Fortunately for you, we have managed to capture some of its power in Tampere. It seems it specialises in startup knowledge! Ask your questions, and it shall answer. It shall adopt the shape of a mentor every now and then so you may communicate with it.
Who is this for?
The program is for early-stage startups based in Tampere, ideally with an MVP and some revenue.
Why participate?
It is especially useful if you want product validation, product/market fit, internationalisation, and a pitch review for investors. You can solve many of your current sales and scaling challenges and any other issues affecting your growth.
How does it work?
You will be granted 5 40-minute mentoring sessions delivered over the course of 5 months.
Nordic Startup Ventures will do the startup-mentor matchmaking based on your key challenges, so make sure to fill in the registration form properly. All NSV mentors are carefully selected and receive continuous mentoring training.
How to apply?
Fill out the form to let the Hive Mind know what you need. Be as specific as possible.
It will return to you in a few days, either in the shape of Enrique Montano or one of the well-known mentors via email.
Your mentoring session will be arranged, either online or in person.
After the session, you will be asked to give some feedback. Again, be as specific as possible.
If needed, another session will be arranged after some time as long as both parties agree to do so.
Applications are open; apply now! Got questions? Reach out to enrique(at)nordicstartupschool.com.